Torsion weeders

The HAK torsion weeders are excellent to use for the removal of small or larger weeds. The torsion weeder is, without adjustments, directly attachable to every hoeing mechanism. The torsion weeder is specially designed to be suitable for a large range of crops. Because the weeder is attached at a low point of the machine, the weeder will not damage the loaf. For an intensive tillage, two teeth could optionally be attached, which results in four teeth per ridge for a more profound result. The HAK torsion weeder is advisable for a tough soil or a high weeding urge.   HAK offers two types of teeth, both 7mm. One with a horizontal curl or an optional, tough version with a vertical curl.

The teeth are adjustable to the desired width and grow phase of the crop. The torsion weeder will break the ground open. Simultaneously, germinating weeds will be destroyed. In a later stage of the grow phase, the teeth can be placed more closely to each other. The driver’s speed and ground resistance will bend the teeth in such a way to prevent crop damage. Any germinating weeds will be uprooted. The teeth are ridging a little bit up, resulting in weed coverage in the ridge.

Torsion weeder V2
The new HAK torsion weeder V2 exists out of two clamps to attach teeth. These attachments are easily attachable and settable to every hoeing machine. The teeth are with one bolt adjustable to many settings, such as length, angle and the position to the crops. HAK offers two different teeth. One tooth with horizontal curl and one tooth with a vertical curl. The horizontal delivers more pressure towards the ground; the vertical teeth are aimed more towards the crops.

Easily adjustable
By using HAK clamps, the torsion weeder can quickly be adjusted. The tooth can be adjusted in width, its angle and depth (pressure) by using one bolt. This feature increases time reduction severely compared with existing mechanisms.

4 teeth
The HAK torsion weeder mechanism enables you to mount an extra set of teeth. This way a more intensive tillage is possible. This means that two horizontal and vertical teeth will be added per element.

Weed reduction
Several studies have showed that a weed reduction of 69% is feasible, however solely with torsion weeders. This percentage can be increased to 90% when torsion weeders are combined with finger weeders.

HAK finger weeder strengths
• Good weeding (large weed included)
• 40-60% weed reduction
• Easily adjustable
• Large flexibility in construction and settings
• Excellent price/quality ratio
• Attachable to every hoeing machine
• Cheap!

The use of torsion weeders in combination with finger weeder increases your weeding result even more. The many setting possibilities and different types of teeth make the torsion weeder meets up with all your hoeing desires.

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