
Hoeing Alongside the mechanization of the agricultural sector HAK has grown and developed and produced improved versions of its product range. Because of this, many actions have become more efficient and productivity got increased. The same happened with mechanical weeding. There are currently several ways of weeding, including HAK hoeing machines and HAK ridging machines. A HAK hoeing machine allows you to hoe large plots of land on a relatively short notice. HAK offers different hoeing machines for ridge cultivation, flat field cultivation and cultivation beds such as vibrating hoeing machines and discs harrow machines.

Hoeing advantages

  • Effective on all kinds of weed
  • Contributes to good water management
  • Replaces (chemical) pesticides
  • Resulting in more air in the soil
  • The hoeing process tosses the ground open
  • No pollution of ground and surface water
  • Low purchase and maintenance costs